Mel's Oaxaca Service-Learning Blog

I am totally looking forward to this trip. I have never been on a plane and this will be my first time out of the state. Geez! Talk about being sheltered!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Monday, first day in Oaxaca...I woke up at 3:00 a.m. I was so anxious and excited to go on my trip but at the same time I was a little nervous. It was going to be my first time flying and actually going out of the country. Laredo and Matamoros does not count in my book. Anyhow, I arrived at the airport exactly at 5:00 a.m. Abel and I walked around and we finally made it to terminal 2. I was the first one in my class to arrive. A few minutes later my roomie, Liz showed up.

Then little by little everyone else showed up. We all checked in as a group and by the time we knew it, it was time to board the plane. Going through the airport check point was all new to me. I had to take off my shoes. Good thing my socks did not have holes! haha
Well we were short on time and we had to run just to make it on the plane. Just my luck! Everyone was already seated and the flight attendants were a little short with us because we were late. I had got a window seat but with my luck this man was sitting on my seat! Greeeaaat! I just sat down because it would have been a hassle to move around. The plane is not very spacious. Those movies tricked me! I was looking forward to being on a plane like on the Wedding Singer. You mean to tell me Billie Idol is not on this plane!
So I was finally situated and buckled in. Denise and Karen were close by so I felt safe knowing they were there just in case I started feeling quesy! As the plane was taking off I was looking out the window waiting to be lifted into the air. It was cool! It felt like I was on a ride, like a rollercoaster. By the time I knew it the cars and building got smaller and smaller until I could not make anything out. I was surrounded by clouds. It was great! I was mesmerized by the clouds and the beautiful blue sky. It was kind of peaceful.

The only thing I did not like was how my ears got all stuffy! They popped a few times but once we got to the highest point I could not hear. It felt like I had a ton of cotton balls in my ears. I have to admit, I did get a little scared at that point. I thought I was going deaf! Mary was telling me something and I could not really hear her, I just nodded and smiled. ha ha (sorry Mary) Oh ya by the way, that gum trick that my friends recommended did not help. Boo!
The plane ride to Houston was very short. It took us longer in the airport than in the plane. We arrived at the Houston airport and it was kind of hectic there. Our little carts they promised us were not there so we had to walk. Denise asked this lady who worked at the airport for some assistance but she misinformed us. Yellow light, blue light. I dont know! Anyways, we finally got to a train that took us to where we needed to go. Houston airport is crazy! So we got in our plane, it was a smaller one than the one we had just off of. It was an express plane. I sat in the front and this time I had my own seat by the window. The way it was meant to be. This plane ride was incredible. The scenery was almost breathtaking. We flew over some water and through some more clouds. Very little turbulance which was good. Oh man then once we go to Mexico I was able to see mountains covered with greenery. At one point my eyes got watery because I could not believe what I was seeing. I mean you have to see it for yourself to understand. This is not something you can see everyday back at home. I was taking in as much as possible. I was like a little kid in a candy shop! This time I could hear though. My ears were not playing tricks on me. As I was looking down I could see many many windy roads that led to what seemed like no where. Good thing we flew!!!!! As we flew over Mexico I could see tiny homes below with tin roofs. Nothing like back home. I knew I was in for a rude awakening when I got to Oaxaca.
Once we landed I just wanted to get off the plane and stretch. Let me off, let me off! We walked into the Oaxaca airport which was very small. Luckily all my luggage was there. So I got my luggage and went through another inspection. I was good to go.
After everyone got their luggage and we filled out the proper paperwork we all piled up in a taxi van. We were headed off to the hotel. My eyes were wide opened. The scenery, the people, the neighborhoods. It was all new to me! Very very different from home! I can tell you one thing though, over here they all drive like bats out of hell. Once we got to the hotel the van stopped right smack in the middle of the street. I thought it was funny but then I turned to see about a dozen cars zooming my way. Then it was not so funny, you just got to be so alert here. No blinkers just a bunch of honking horns and smoky mufflers. Hold your breath!
The hotel is nice, not your typical four star hotel but it is nice. Liz, Melissa and I were just glad to see there were beds and a bathroom. However there is no AC in the room. UGH! At night though it gets cold.
Well once we checked in, we went to eat lunch as a group. I had Fajitas a la Mexicana and to my surprise it was not what I was expecting. Not the Taco Cabana fajitas we are custom to eating. It was more like an asada meat with green beans, tomatos, onions, and peppers all cooked together. It was okay. I also tried this soup, kind like a Creamy Hominy soup. I did not really like that. It tasted like corn meal. I even drowned it with lime and cabbage to try to kick it up a notch but it did not help much. Oh ya and I had white rice with corn. Weird huh? Oh well it was different and at least I can say I tried it.
After lunch Denise and Karen gave us the game plan for Tueday and then we were on our own for the rest of the day. YEA! Me, Meliss, and Liz hit the streets. It is so busy! So many wonderful things to look at and buy. Oh and the people here are so genuine. The talent that they have to make the jewelery, pottery, and clothing it is remarkable. I wish I could buy everything I see. My mom would love the jewelery. Walking through the time I started to think of my grandpa Lizcano. He would have loved to be here. He was a very skillful man full of wonderful talents. I know he would be proud of my right now. I miss hime!
As we were walking through the city I spotted a huge church. We went in and gosh was it beautiful. I walked aroung for a bit then I just sat there. It was so peaceful! I sat there for a while and prayed. I am so blessed to be here right now. I wish you all could see what I have seen so far. And this is only the beginning, there is a lot more to see. Hopefully I get a chance to go to mass Sunday. It is all is Spanish.

After the church we walked aroung town some more. We came at just the right time, right now teachers from all over the state are protesting. They are demanding more help for the schools in Oaxaca. They are demanding books, supplies, higher wages, scholarships for students, you name it they need it.

I think this is one of the 17 different dialects in Oaxaca. The language changes a little. I don't know what it means. Just looks neat because it is woven and it took a lot of time to create this. It is so colorful.

This guy is the governor of Oaxaca right now. Ulises Cruz. Elections are in July so they are planning on protesting till then.

This man has some general information about the protest. There are several groups of teachers representing their district.

So all over the town are tents and tarps. Hundreds of teachers have been here for about two weeks and they plan to be there until July. Can you imagine? They have hung graphic signs that show their opinions about the governor. Some are funny but at the same time they express what the teachers feel. We are not even close to realizing how good we have things in the US. These people have been sleeping out in the streets and eating every single day. Some live miles away and mind you they do not have cars to go home and shower then come back. No they are here to stay. They have purpose. It is just amazing to see all of this.

As the day began to end some of went to go have dinner at this little restaurant. I was good! I had charro beans with bistec tacos. MMMM! Then we just sat outside in the plaza area and listened to a man that was playing his guitar. He was really good. We laughed and got a chance to get better aquainted with one another. In the middle of our conversation, two little boys came up to us and they were selling homemade bracelets. I suppose they were about 7 and 9. Liz began talking to them and asked them how much they wanted for the bracelets. They sold us 4 for a 1.00. We took pictures of them and made them laugh. Moses and Noel, our new friends. They lived about 30 minutes to an hour away. (walkin not driving) Their mother sent them to sell bracelets and they HAD to make 6.00 before they got home or else they would get in trouble. They had been there since early that morning and were going to WALK back home at midnight. I wanted to cry! It was hard to see them walk away from us. I started thinking of my nephews, we barely like to let them play outside in the front yard by themselves much less walk home at night. This is the kind of stuff that I am getting exposed to here in Oaxaca. We think we have it bad sometimes but we have no clue what it means to suffer or to be without. We are spoiled! Later on that night on the way to the hotel we saw everyone get in their tents for a nights sleep. Some did not have tents they just slept on a piece of cardboard. Once I got to the room I was thankful I had a bed to sleep in that night. This is only the first day here and already I am changed person!

Thanks mom and dad for getting me everything I ever needed! I am grateful to have such caring parents!

p.s. I will post pictures soon. Stay tuned!


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