Mel's Oaxaca Service-Learning Blog

I am totally looking forward to this trip. I have never been on a plane and this will be my first time out of the state. Geez! Talk about being sheltered!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Day 3...When class started Denise had some good news for us. There is this patch is available for students in certain areas who would like to study abroad. The patch releases a vaccine for a diarrhea bug. They are offering up to $900 for students who qualify. Sounds like a good idea to me, I need all the help I can get and no one likes to get diarrhea when they travel. LOL! On the other hand, I don't think everyone believes a diarrhea vaccine is good news.
It seems everday I am learning something new. Karen brought over some slides today from her last trip to Oaxaca. She has all sorts of stories about her past trips around the world. She is a very interesting person, it would be a good idea to write a story on her. Historians seem to have that kind of affect on people.
The slideshow shed some light as to what to expect in Oaxaca. The church was beautiful and some of the other churches look like the missions we have here in San Antonio. I am looking forward to seeing the pyramids up close. Karen's son was in one of the pictures and he was standing right beside one of the smaller pyramids. He looked like tiny compared to that enormous thing. I can only imagine how did they managed to create something so strong and enormous. Here we are in the 21st century with tools galore and all sorts of machines and still there is nothing like the ancient pyramids, left by our ancestors. Another reason to be proud to be Hispanic!
As we were going through the slides we joked about some of the rumors we heard about the water in Mexico. Denise warned us to take something for our stomach just in case. FYI-take Yoplait yogurt!!! Karen and Denise gave us heads up on what to wear. Comfortable shoes is a must!!! After seeing the pyramids I know I will be hurting. I barely like to walk to down the hall at work much less up a fleet of stairs. But it is not everyday you get to walk around Monte Alban. Sacrifices must be made! They also gave us heads up on what to pack and how to pack. I was wondering how I was going to get two weeks worth of clothes in one suitcase. That is not to mention the gazillion things I want to bring back with me.
As class was near ending, Karen showed us a Powerpoint presentation. It was submitted by Stan Morgan who collects folk art. He has a wonderful collection of goodies. I especially liked the figurines of the Ladies of the Night. They were too cute! They were even holding cigarettes in their hand. What I noticed the most was the use of color in all the art pieces. Bright colors with a lot of detail.
Tomorrow should be interesting. We are going on our first field trip to the Food Bank. I don't know what to expect. Karen gave us a bunch of handouts, some were articles about poverty and statistics here in San Antonio. I know it sounds kind of childish but I am excited to go on a field trip. Last time I went on a field trip I think it was to the zoo and that was over ten years ago. I can't forget to take my trusty reporters notebook to jot down notes.


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