Mel's Oaxaca Service-Learning Blog

I am totally looking forward to this trip. I have never been on a plane and this will be my first time out of the state. Geez! Talk about being sheltered!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Avance Tour
We arrived at the Avance Family Center at 9:30. Marisa Chapa, the Center Director gave us warm welcome and walked us into a conference room. Marisa gave us some history about the Avance Center. Some prominent people have visited the Avance centers, Prince Charles, Carter and Barbara Bush. There are 42 different centers in TX and they help parents and their children in various ways. For instance, they serve many low income families from Alazan Housing, Lincoln, San Juan and others. The staff from Avance goes door to door letting the residents know their is help out there for them. It is hard because many of them are scared but they want the help. Avance is there to educate them and help them become self suffecient. They provide parent class which include the Star Program. Teachers talk to parents about their children pointing out the positive things the children learned that day. The past year, Avance served and graduated over 200 families. The children's age range from 0-3.

Yesenia Gonzalez, the Program Manager showed us a very informative video. Parents were interviewed and shared their stories on how Avance helped their family. The video was produced by USAA. Avance helps mothers and fathers prepare their children and establish a loving family. Their main focus is family! 25% of the employees at Avance have graduated from there.
More than 50% of the parents have suffered from violence or abuse. It can be physical, mental or social abuse. So these families come to Avance for some guidance. Avance teaches nutrition, language skills and there is a 9 month curriculum. They also do bi weekly home visits. I noticed in the video many parents said Avance has given them the motivation to better thier parent skills. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. One woman said if it wasn't for Avance she would be on the streets doing drugs or prostituting. They have motivated her to further her education and to take care of her family.
Avance has partnered up with local colleges to teach the Avance participants. ACCD visits Avance to register parents who qualify for college and prepares their financial aid. Avance offers day care assistance to parents who attend college.
Not only do they help mothers but fathers too. I thought that was pretty cool because you always here about the mothers suffering and how the fathers took off. Well the Father Hood Program teaches them to be better providers and fathers for their children. So the family can come together. It now gives them hope and changes their lives. The parents feel like they are someone and can be part of the community. Avance gives them the encouragement they need.
"I love being here!" Victoria Garcia
The good thing is that the parents apply what they learned at Avance at home. They get to tell other family members what they learned. I am happy for them! I think if you put your mind to something you can do it.
Thanks Avance for a wonderful tour. The center was spotless, everything was clean and tidy!
I especially liked the toy room. I could stay in there forever. Avance has a toy making class for parents. Sometimes families can't always afford toys so they show them how to make toys with things around the house. They all did a good job. The dolls were all hand sewn. WOW! They looked better than some of the ones at the stores.
Good job Marilyn Fernandez! She is the centers Toy Maker and Asst. Center Director.


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