Mel's Oaxaca Service-Learning Blog

I am totally looking forward to this trip. I have never been on a plane and this will be my first time out of the state. Geez! Talk about being sheltered!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Journal Prompt 5
Study abroad programs gives students the opportunity to learn about other cultures. With this experience we can incorporate what we learned to our everyday lives in the 21st century. In a short time I have learned to appreciate everything I have. Life is short and we have to live it to the fulliest. It is important to take advantage of any opportunity to study abroad. This program has helped me feel more sensitive towards others needs. In the beginning I was the type of person that didn't feel much sympathy towards others. When I saw a homeless person I automatically thought they were like that because they were lazy or just living off the "system." But I now realize that many people out there can't help themselves because they don't know how to. Everyone's situation is different.
I must have cried everyday while I was in Oaxaca. Not because I was sad but because I was so proud to be there. I cried because I saw people that did not have anything. And here I am complaining about a pair of shoes I want or a purse I couldn't afford. It hits you on an emotional level. And I am not a person to cry easily. Everything I saw in Mexico I have brought home with me. This trip has brought me to a whole other level of thinking. I try not to take life's smallest things for granted. It is important to learn about other cultures because we are all connected some how or another. Global issues now concern me. Before this trip I really didn't keep up with current events. Ever since we left Oaxaca I have been staying up to date with the elections over there.
I am blessed that I was able to share an emotional experience with a great group of people who are now my friends. We will always be connected. Thank you Karen and Denise for allowing me to be part of a great bunch. This was my first plane ride and first time out of the country. Regardless of what we went through over there, I would not take it back for anything in the world.
I would highly recommend study abroad to others. You meet new friends and get to eat great food. What more could you ask for???